Archive | December, 2014

Less ice – More ice-Cream

3 Dec

One of radio’s biggest sectors, Travel, has been boosted by Chancellor George Osborne’s announcement today of reductions in UK Air Passenger Duty (APD). It won’t arrive in time for those icy Winter Holidays but it will be in place in time for those ice-cream filled summer getaways.

Osborne’s headline change is that children under the age of 12 won’t be charged APD after May 2015 and that means significant savings for families looking to head overseas. So, it’s good for holiday sales …which is good for radio.

But why is travel such a strong sector on radio? Simple. One of radio’s and audio’s greatest strengths is to engage imagination and ‘take’ listeners to different places. We’ve all heard great radio ads where the voices and sounds whisk us away to the seashore, the swimming pool, the Taverna and the chatter of foreign language. Radio’s power is like that of a book – the listener imagines the scene for themselves and so the listener makes the scene fit perfectly to their own ideal vision.

If you would like any more information about how  radio could work for your brand –  and enable more ice-cream to be consumed – please contact us.

Tim Cowland is a Founder Partner at Radio Experts, a London based specialist radio advertising. @timcradioexpert